New York Giants Pre-Season Opponents Announced: Although all of the dates and times have not yet been released, the NFL announced the pre-season opponents for each NFL team yesterday. The Giants opponents and where the games will be played is provided in the 2009 Schedule section of the website. The Giants’ first pre-season game, against the Carolina Panthers, will be nationally televised on ESPN.

Burress’ Lawyer Seeking Adjournment: According to various press reports, the lawyer for WR Plaxico Burress will seek an adjournment at his long-awaited hearing held today. Burress was charged with two felony weapons charges in December for his accidental firing of a weapon in a Manhattan night club.

If the hearing is in fact adjourned, a new date for the hearing will be set. It is speculated that Burress’ lawyer and the Manhattan district attroney’s office are working on a plea bargain and the hang up appears to be whether Burress will have to serve jail time or not.