Ben McAdoo, New York Giants (November 6, 2016)

Ben McAdoo – © USA TODAY Sports Images

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New York Giants Head Coach Ben McAdoo addressed the media by conference call on Monday to discuss the team’s 28-23 victory over the Philadelphia Eagles:

McAdoo: Hit the defense first. Got off to a fast start. Two INT’s that led to two offensive touchdowns. We finished strong on a sudden change of possession. Showed high character there at the end of the ball game. Situational football was tremendous. The last thing is holding the quarterback to four carries and minus-four yards in the rushing department. What we need to work on, cut down the explosive plays. The details, execution and consistency needs to improve there. Set the tone in the first series of the second half.

Offensively, I think we took advantage of the two turnovers in the first quarter. Put two touchdowns on the board there. We were 4-for-4 in the shot zone, the high green zone, the fringe and the low green zone. We answered Philly’s touchdown to open the second half with one of our own. Despite all the negativity out there in the run game, we made some progress there late in the second half. What we need to work on, we had three pre-snap penalties, three batted balls. We need to finish the game in four-minute. We had a chance to end the game and we need to do that. We had eight opportunities to execute and make plays that were out there that could’ve had a positive impact on the game for us and we came up short. We need to take advantage of those opportunities.

Special teams, I think JPP going in and blocking the field goal at the end of the first half was huge. He used great technique there. He made a great play for us in the ball game. What we need to work on, we knew going in that we couldn’t give 43 (Darren Sproles) a seam on punt return. It was a combination of a bunch of things but hang to distance and being firm and protective on the releases. The gunners being singled up, they need to win there. In the four-minute, the kickoff decision was a poor decision. We had seven up. We need to stay in the end zone with the ball there. With that, we’ll open it up.

Q: You also incorporated a little bit more Roger Lewis and Dwayne Harris, how did that work out for you?

A: I thought it was good. I think it’s always good to get everyone involved. Those are two guys that have earned some opportunities. They’ve been practicing hard. Look good in practice and have earned reps. We’re going to give them some opportunities as long as they keep earning reps and working hard on the practice field and in games.

Q: What did Roger Lewis bring to the offense that you wanted to incorporate?

A: He’s a young and improving player. He’s taking advantage of his special teams opportunities. He needs to continue to do that. As long as he continues to produce the way he has been producing on special teams and improving on offense, he will get the opportunity to play.

Q: How is Justin Pugh and how do you think Brett Jones did?

A: Justin has a knee sprain. He’s going to miss a little bit of time. I thought Jonesie did a nice job when he went in there. He played physical. He’s been playing more center for us but was ready to go in the ballgame at guard.

Q: Why did you go with Brett rather than opt to move Bobby Hart in there?

A: I just think for where we are in the season and in the ballgame, that was the best fit for us at the time.

Q: How did Jerell Adams do? He and Will Tye looked to do a better job.

A: Tye definitely had some wiggle after the catch. We knew that from last year. He showed up in a positive way for us yesterday in that regard. Jerell did a nice job for us out there. He did have a pre-snap penalty which we have to eliminate, but he made some progress, too.

Q: Any update on Victor Cruz and Justin Pugh?

A: Justin is going to miss some time. I don’t know how long at this point, but he’s going to miss a little bit of time. Victor is scheduled to get an MRI today.

Q: Will you stick with Brett Jones at guard as long as Justin is out?

A: We’ll take a look at all of our options.

Q: Why did you decide to not dress Leon Hall yesterday?

A: It’s just the way it shook out. We wanted to get three safeties up. True safeties up. It came down to special teams. When you have a lot of healthy bodies you have to make some tough decisions. Certainly Leon has played some good football for us. We’re confident in Leon and what he brings to the table.

Q: You worked Devon Kennard inside for the first time yesterday. What went into that decision and how did he look?

A: We did a couple of different things and how to use our personnel. I think it’s a way to help get Devon some reps. They’re tough to come by in base defense these days. It was an opportunity to move him around a little bit and give us some opportunities.

Q: The way that you used so much personnel, is that an organizational decision or just the coaching staff?

A: That’s how I grew up in this business, to get young players and everyone involved in game days that is up. Give them all the support they need to be successful. The way to get young players acclimated to the varsity team is to get them out there and get them going. When the snaps get to December and January, it’s not too big for them. It’s not the first time they’re on the field.

Q: A day later, what light can you shed on the ball that was ruled an interception on the Odell play in the middle?

A: We’re going to turn it into the league and really see what they have to say about it. I think it’s one of those calls that it depends on where you start. I think it’s a tough one to overturn either way. If it’s incomplete, I think it stays incomplete. If it’s a completion, I think it stays a completion. The way they ruled it as an interception, once you go look at it, I think it stays an interception. It’s a hard one to overturn. Regardless. I thought we caught the ball and went to the ground. They came away with the ball. The starting point is probably going to be the ending point there.

Q: What did Paul Perkins bring to the running game?

A: We balanced up the touches there a little bit. It’s tough to give one guy, feature one guy in the running game these days. You need a couple of guys that can carry the ball for you. He had some good opportunities in there. Some clean looks. On the toss crack, he did a nice job finding the seam. He kept his balance and had a nice run there at the end.

Q: Bobby Rainey played less with Perkins and Rashad Jennings splitting the snaps. Was that injury related?

A: We took everything into consideration there. A little bit of everything.

Q: Victor had an X-ray yesterday, what did that show? How serious is the Ryan Nassib injury?

A: Victor is going to get an MRI. He has one scheduled today so we’ll know more after the MRI. Ryan will be limited this week.

Q: What did you think of Keenan Robinson, especially in defensing the screen game?

A: Keenan has been very active for us. His agility has allowed him to cover a lot of ground for us in the passing game. He had some good production to go along with it.

Q: What did you think of using Newhouse as the sixth offensive lineman?

A: I think Marshall did a nice job in there. He used good technique and fundamentals. He was productive when he had his opportunities.

Q: Is that something you can use more?

A: It’s something we will take a look at week in and week out. See if we can get anything out of it.

Q: Is there anything you do with young guys to track their progress?

A: No websites. We watch the film and we grade our players in practice and in games. We continue to coach them and develop them. The better they do and the more they respond to the coaching, the more opportunities they’ll get.

Q: When you play young guys, you have to expect mistakes. How do you weigh the mistakes made by young guys versus giving them experience?

A: You have to acclimate them early. You can’t wait until December. You have to get them opportunities to compete in practice and get them in there in games. They have to earn the opportunity. They don’t just get to play. They have to earn that opportunity and prove that they’re trustworthy and accountable. I think it does a lot for your team. It gives 46 guys an opportunity to play. I think it helps the veterans and breathes some life in the veterans in the long season. They have young guys that are champing at the bit. They bring excitement and energy. It’s fun to see the young guys have success.

Q: Does Eli Apple have to earn back playing time?

A: We’re going to dust Eli off, put him back out there. He’s going to get better and learn from it.

Q: Is Shane Vereen ready to practice?

A: Haven’t had those conversations yet.

Q: Is there a chance he comes back this year?

A: Haven’t had those conversations yet.


The players will be off on Tuesday. Player interviews will be held on Wednesday and the team will return to practice on Thursday. Conference calls with 2016 Ring of Honor inductees Tom Coughlin, Ernie Accorsi and Justin Tuck will be held on Tuesday.