July 31, 2011 New York Giants Training Camp Report (Evening Practice)

by BigBlueInteractive.com Contributor UberAlias

I thought tonight’s crowd may have been a little bigger, so that was nice to see.

Yesterday I mentioned they did the full team drills on the far field and that it was a bit hard to see. Well tonight they did the team work on the near field, and boy, what a difference it makes – they are right there in front of you.

The defense today clearly had the upper hand. The defense nearly always wins the early camp match ups, so this is not a concern, but there was definitely also some sloppiness with the offense tonight, such as a drop by an open Travis Beckum on what looked like it should have been an easy catch and also a botched snap between Snee to Sage.

A few observations from the defensive team work: During walk thrus I saw a lot of Rolle lining up deep with Kenny Phillips playing up in the box (not sure if it was the strong or weak side). I could easily be wrong here, but I seem to have the impression  those roles may have often been the other way around last year (perhaps to protect Kenny Phillips’ knee), so this ~ might ~ be an adjustment.

They did a series of alignments where there was one guy laying back where normally the deep safety would be, but it was not a safety. For the starters it was Terrell Thomas and for the second unit it was Ross.

In the series with the starters, the defense really shut down the O in 11 on 11s. The first snap was a mid range pass play where Thomas picked off Eli and it did not get much better from there.

Some will be happy to hear this but I think it was the second play that was a Ware run that was shut down by the D. What was notable was that three defensive coaches gave a big ‘at-a-boy to Sintim, who I believe shut it down at the line. Phillips got a similar response from the coaches a play or two latter. One play that looked like it might have had some promise for the offense was a bootleg that got Beckum open in the flat but resulted in the drop I mentioned earlier.

In addition to the pick, Terrell Thomas also had a nice pass defense down field, but I can’t remember who was the target (Manningham or Cruz, I think). He seemed to have a good day except for one play during red zone work I’ll mention in second.

The last play of 11 on 11s was one of the only ones that looked good for the O with Ware having a nice run that may have been about an eight yard gain.

The clear highlight of the night came on the first play of their red (“green”) zone work. Terrell Thomas had what looked to be pretty good coverage on Nicks with Phillips on his way over for support, but it was a perfectly thrown ball and Nicks is just so good with his positioning and made a beautiful catch for a TD.

In this series,Hixon also made a nice catch to put the ball inside the five. Offensively I would say Hixon followed up a good showing with another solid one today and looked strong on returns as well. This is not a super star by any stretch, but make no mistake about it, having this guy back is clearly going to make this team better.

Another guy picking up from yesterday’s work out is Hynoski who continues to impress me with how fluid and comfortable he looks catching the ball. You get the idea I like this kid and he is seeing a lot of reps.