Q&A: Running Back Sean Bennett

Q&A: Running Back Sean Bennett by BBI Reporter walterb walterb: What is the best part of your game? Sean Bennett: My hands and quickness. Being able to come out of the backfield and being able to get open. In high school I was a receiver, so I am able still to...

Q&A: Linebacker Michael Barrow

Q&A: Linebacker Michael Barrow by BBI Reporter walterb On Armstead Going to Washington: With him leaving and a lot of other guys who left we have leadership voids. We need guys to step up. The younger guys have to step up and take ownership and make it happen on...

Q&A: Special Teams Coach Bruce Read

Q&A: Special Teams Coach Bruce Read by BBI Reporter walterb walterb: I would like to get your thoughts on what a potential starting lineup might look like on any of the special teams. From what we saw last year it appeared that mostly the second team was out...