September 25, 2006 New York Giants Injury Report: Contrary to the statements made by FOX during the Giants-Seahawks game, Plaxico Burress was not benched because of his play but because he was experiencing back problems. “Plaxico, as I mentioned (on Sunday after the game), injured his back against Philadelphia,” Head Coach Tom Coughlin said. “(He) injured his back in practice on Wednesday, spent Thursday and Friday trying to recover, went into the game and because of the injury – it’s all related – was ineffective in his play and that’s why he came out.”

Immediately after the game, Plaxico said, “My best wasn’t good enough…I let my team down when I had two turnovers. If I hadn’t made those turnovers, we probably could have won the football game. Those things I put on me. I’m not going to sit there and make excuses. I chose to go out there and play and that was the outcome. I just have to come back, get on the practice field, get some rest and come back and make some plays…I couldn’t ask for a better time for the bye week to get some treatment and get healthy and get to doing what I do. I just have to get healthy and get on the practice field. I’m not worried about anything else. My thing is just staying healthy, getting on the practice field and everything else will pretty much take care of itself…You best believe when I come back in two weeks, I’ll be ready.”

TE Jeremy Shockey had additional x-rays taken on his right ankle yesterday. “It’s tender,” Shockey said. “It’s definitely sore. I’m going to do a lot this week to get healthy. The doctors said the best thing for it is rest.”

Coughlin did not have an update on LB Carlos Emmons, who suffered a pectoral injury in the game. A pectoral injury forced Emmons on Injured Reserve last season.

Jeremy Shockey Apologizes for Post-Game Comments: Man-child TE Jeremy Shockey apologized yesterday for his post-game comments on Sunday when he said the Giants were out-played and out-coached.

“First and foremost, I’d like to say I’m a team person,” said Shockey yesterday. “I’m very team-oriented and what I said was not a team thing to say. I do let my emotions get to me at times. That’s just the competitive nature in me. I don’t like to lose – I don’t like to lose at anything…I’m a very hard person on myself and everybody in this locker room is hard on themselves as well. The most important thing here is that we have a couple of weeks off so everybody can get healthy. It’s very important for us to get better in these next two weeks. We have a division game (against Washington). Our number one goal as a team is winning the division. I didn’t mean to bring distractions, because I know it occurred. Again, I am a team person. My competitive nature and persona got the best of me there.”

QB Eli Manning called Shockey’s comments “unacceptable.” “I think we know that’s not the case (that we were out-coached), that’s not true,” Manning said. “We got out-played, but it wasn’t coaching. Everything they did, we’ve seen and we were prepared for. We were in good situations a lot of the time, we just weren’t making the plays. I think (Shockey) was just emotional after the game and I think he knows he made a mistake…You don’t want something like that to affect the season. It’s the third game. We are 1-2. Things could be worse. We have to figure out a way out of this jam and get back to playing good football. We don’t need anything to affect the chemistry of the team and the coaches and get everybody on a bad page. We have to keep everybody in a good mood and upbeat and figure out a way to get better.”

“I just thought (Shockey) was upset,” WR Amani Toomer said. “I don’t think there’s truth in (what he said). He kind of just says what he feels at the time. I think if you would have talked to him today, I think the cooler head would have prevailed.”

“I don’t see a problem with coaching or leadership,” said HB Tiki Barber. “On any given play an individual will make a mistake that costs us dearly. It’s not as if it’s team-wide. It is individuals making mistakes. And it’s demoralizing in many ways. We need to regroup in this bye week and figure out how to play consistently. Otherwise we’ll be average and sitting at home come playoff time.”

“It’s 1-2. Thirteen games to go,” said DE Michael Strahan. “Geez, you (press) guys. Don’t panic! Relax.”

Coughlin would not elaborate on his conversation with Shockey regarding his post-game comments. “Shockey and I talked,” Coughlin said. “Jeremy and I talked and what we did discuss and what we decided will remain private.”

“I’m concerned because there’s nothing to be gained by pointing the finger,” said Coughlin. “If you’re truly a team and you’re in it together, we win or lose together. We don’t make a point of pointing the finger at anyone. When we lose, I lose. I take the responsibility for the loss. That’s my job. Everything else should be, if there is something that needs to be said, my door is always open. Come on in, sit down and talk to me. I’d be glad to talk to you about it.”

“I don’t think anybody is worried that everybody is fighting against each other,” OC Shaun O’Hara said. “We’re a team. We’re going to stick together as a team, from the players in the locker room to the coaching staff to the organization. We’re in this together and we’re going to handle everything like a team will, and that’s in house to take care of everybody and that’s just fine. We all know what really went on. It’s not about Jeremy Shockey. It’s about the New York Giants losing a game. I don’t care who said what, that’s what it’s about. I think everybody wants us to become some big soap opera: 1-2, the Giants throw in the towel and that’s it, the season’s over. And it’s not. If we beat the Washington Redskins here at our house, we’ll be 2-2…This is not ‘Days of Our Lives’ and now everybody’s on their death bed. This is the New York Giants played a crappy game and we know why we played a crappy game. That’s the best thing. Seattle was just man-to-man a better team (Sunday). We screwed up. We’re playing bad football. And that’s something we can correct. That’s something that we’re going to correct. We’re not sitting crying about everything. We’re going to handle our business.”

Notes and Quotes: The assistant coaches will be available to the media from noon to 1:00PM today.

QB Eli Manning is not a proponent of the Giants using the no-huddle offense as part of their bread-and-butter because he feels it makes the Giants more of a finesse team. “That’s not our type of offense,” said Manning. “That’s not our style.”