New York Giants Interested in Chris Palmer as Quarterbacks Coach: According to The Daily News and The Star-Ledger, the Giants have asked and been granted permission to speak to Cowboys’ Quarterback Coach Chris Palmer. Palmer was Head Coach Tom Coughlin’s offensive coordinator in Jacksonville for two seasons.

Yesterday, QB Eli Manning was asked about the search for a new quarterback coach to replace Kevin Gilbride, who was promoted to offensive coordinator earlier this month.

“I’m looking forward to that and seeing how that’s going to be,” said Manning. “Obviously I think our number one focus so far is finding a defensive coordinator, so we’ve solved that issue. I think now it will be trying to find a quarterbacks coach. I’m just looking forward to seeing who that’s going to be and starting our relationship, and coming here and getting to work.”

Manning was also asked who would make an ideal quarterbacks coach. “Obviously I’ve only had one quarterbacks coach in the NFL,” said Manning. “I’m just looking for someone who’s obviously smart, intelligent. Someone who we can have a good relationship and just really communicate well together and be on the same page with things. Someone who has good drills and is going to be hard on me and coach me and make sure that everything that I’m doing, I’m doing to get better and put me in a position to play better football.”

Plaxico Burress May Work Out Some in New Jersey: In 2005 and 2006, WR Plaxico Burress and TE Jeremy Shockey skipped the Giants’ “voluntary” offseason program. The 2007 program is schedule to begins on March 19 and QB Eli Manning said yesterday that Burress may make an appearance this year.

“I’ve talked to Plaxico a few times,” said Manning. “It sounds like he might be here a little bit more this offseason, so we just have to see as that approaches and gets closer. Hopefully we can have the guys here and get some good work. I have to get with Shockey and kind of see what his plans are. Obviously those guys feel that they get their best work done in different places when they have their own coaches and getting physically ready with lifting and running and getting in shape. I think we just have to work hard. We have to work hard to get together. I think we’re on the same page. We’re consistent, we do some good things together, but we can definitely improve on it.”

Manning was asked if it was important for Burress and Shockey to participate in the offseason program instead of first showing up at training camp. “I think there comes a time when you should get together,” said Manning. “I don’t think it has to start March 19th and you have to be with those guys right then, but once you start – before mini-camp or those things start up – you get some time together. You get a few weeks to really work hard and get settled. Early on in March, as a quarterback, you don’t want to start throwing too early and do too many things. You do drill-work and do your things, but once you start throwing routes and get into our offense and running those plays, I think it can definitely be important to have guys around to throw with.”

When Manning was asked if Burress is going to become his version of Colts’ WR Marvin Harrison some day, Manning responded, “I hope so. I hope we can continue to grow. I think we’ve gotten better over the past two years, but we still have a ways to go. I’ve talked to Plaxico a bunch and he sounds excited about the off-season, about getting ready and becoming better. I think he wants to be someone who’s in that category, just as I want to be thought of in Peyton (Manning)’s category. That’s something we’re going to work on and we’re going to try to get on the same page with everything. We have good timing and we make good plays, but we’re not what you want to think of as unstoppable or just totally dominant, so that’s what we have to continue to work on – to get to that spot and to that plane of ability.”

Article on Bill Parcells and the New York Giants: Wild Bill by Dr. Z of

Quotes: QB Eli Manning on Kevin Gilbride being the new offensive coordinator: “I don’t think our relationship will change. I would say we probably won’t have as much one-on-one time in the meetings. He won’t be the guy running our meetings anymore, but I think you still have to communicate with your coordinator. I think he wants to be a hands-on coach in the offense. When we have offensive meetings with the quarterbacks and the receivers and we go over plays, I think he’ll be the one who’ll want to run that. I think he’s going to be good at getting everybody disciplined, getting the offense run the way he wants it run, no exceptions. I think we’ll still have to communicate and be on the same page, so I think obviously the relationship changes a little bit – you won’t have as much time together – but you still have to be on the same page with everything.”

Giants’ President and CEO John Mara on whether or not the Giants would be interested in Bill Parcells returning to the Giants in any capacity: “No.”