June 12, 2009 New York Giants OTA: The Giants held their tenth and final Organized Team Activity (OTA) practice yesterday. The practice was not open to the press. The Giants will hold a 3-day mini-camp for veterans and rookies next week from Tuesday to Thursday.  There will be two practices on both Tuesday and Wednesday, and one on Thursday.

Speaking of the upcoming mini-camp, Head Coach Tom Coughlin said, “It is a continuation of where we are, and trying to take those areas we need the most work, that we have already introduced, and coming back to it for a second time and let’s see how the young guys respond with that information in front of them. It will be a culmination of what we have done this spring.”

“It will be under a magnified glass because the practices are rapid fire and the camp is over before it even starts,” said Coughlin. “Hopefully, it is going to give everyone an opportunity. Our veteran players know what our goals and objectives are. Our young guys are trying to learn what they can expect situationally and what they have to learn. Hopefully it will be an opportunity for all of them to come together, with the realization that this is a little bit of a longer summer for them, there is more to be responsible for in terms of strength and conditioning in order to maintain that, what they can look forward to when they come to camp, what the meaning of this first (preseason) Monday night game is to us, and how it has created some accelerated situations in between some of those preseason games.”

“A lot of our work has to be accomplished prior to that first preseason game,” said Coughlin. “A lot of it has to do with our ability to stay on the field. These soft tissues things, which are so difficult for guys to overcome, you have one or two of those, and you have young people who are going to be way behind.”